OTJ Authors

Luke Malewicz

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Luke Malewicz, a native of Nowa Sol, Poland, moved to Chicago at the age of 11. He showed exceptional promise as a young musician, having started trombone at age 6. After receiving degrees from the Jacobs School of Music and the Manhattan School of Music he returned to Chicago where he currently resides as a freelance trombonist and educator. He teaches at various Chicago area schools and colleges and performs at some of Chicago's best jazz venues including Andy's Jazz Club, the Jazz Showcase, and the Green Mill.

OTJ Articles


Trombone Basics: Accessories

April 27, 2021
In addition to your instrument you will also need some accessories to get started. These vary from ones you may already be familiar with like a music stand to ones you may not realize you need.



Trombone Basics: Correct Posture and Holding the Instrument

February 19, 2021
As you get more comfortable with your new instrument it's important to start building good habits. One of the first challenges you will encounter (apart from making sound on the trombone) is properly holding it in a way that is not only comfortable but will also give you the best chance of producing a good sound.



Trombone Basics: How to Put Together and Take Apart Your Instrument

January 31, 2021
Just as with any instrument the trombone is easy to damage it if we are not careful not only when playing it but also when we take it out and put it back into the case. In this video I will walk you through putting the instrument together and taking it apart.